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arts based interventions to reduce mental health impact of domestic violence


a partnership with the centre for mental health law and policy (cmhlp)

domestic violence (DV)  is a burgeoning social, human rights and public health problem in India, where an estimated 41% of women report experiencing DV in their lifetime and approximately 30% report recent violence.

sumunum has partnered with Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy, ‘CMHLP’, to develop a community-based arts module to prevent and reduce the impact of domestic violence in Gujarat, India. This will be embedded within 'Atmiyata', their existing evidence-based mental health and social care intervention focused on promoting wellness and reducing distress through community volunteers in the rural communities of Mehsana, Gujarat. 

 our programme is designed to


 1. strengthen the existing Atmiyata  intervention to better respond to and prevent DV, which has emerged as a concern in the community since the initiation of Atmiyata in 2016 and was particularly exacerbated during the pandemic.  

2. facilitate the reimagining of existing power structures among participants (“conscientization”), increase bystander responsibility and reducing victim blaming, by implementing an arts-based support group network in the community. 

3. training local volunteers to deliver care and run prevention and response programs to develop readiness, awareness & help seeking behaviour within the community — using drama, customized participatory multi-arts programmes, experiential activities & more.   

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