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well @ work

organisation related programmes geared towards enabling a satisfying & meaningful association between
the organization & its workforce
yog using participatory arts based approaches to engage with staff at the regional mental hospital, nagpur

given that much of a working adult’s day is spent at the workplace, enabling a healthy workplace & enhancing the workforce’s wellbeing are of prime importance. a strong work environment offers space for the organisation & its employees to grow together, enabling — comfort, trust & openness for everyone in the team, strong alignment of energies, efficient practices that help manage stress, pressure & conflict &  a strong balance between work & other aspects of one’s life.

an integral component is also — following ethical & inclusive practicesmembers of a workforce are likely to belong to varying backgrounds, with different abilities, strengths & challenges. therefore, it is also important to enhance sensitivity, tolerance & respect for each other, and to create inclusive policies.  


our  workspace programmes are geared towards nurturing a healthy working environment & enabling a satisfying & meaningful association between the organization & its workforce. we use an experiential & participatory arts-based approach

we believe that this can serve as an innovative supplement to existing routines & provide individuals with a safe, comfortable & nonthreatening space to explore mental health & personal expression. 

our programmes


individual & group wellbeing​

  • behaviour & personality – awareness & understanding 

  • emotional awareness & understanding 

  • persistence & resilience building 

  • stress & pressure – understanding triggers (internal & external), management & balance 

  • social interactions – skills & support 

  • work-life balance









work from home


​understanding & navigating the concept of ‘work from home’ & finding the balance towards enhanced productivity & wellbeing​


  • understanding individual patterns of work 

  • time & space - allocation, management & efficiency dynamic

  • creating & sustaining a work-life balance

  • multi-tasking - understanding efficient application techniques

  • identifying & managing factors that contribute to stress 


enhancing learning & development​


  • understanding self & building a vision for self

  • team & group dynamics

  • creative exploration & thinking – innovation thinking / design thinking / systems thinking

  • managing conflict and crisis

  • conflict vs problem – identification & management through dialogue, roleplay & conversations


diversity, inclusion & ethics


​to increase awareness of ethical and inclusive HR practices. programme packages offer nuanced insight into complex & layered issues such as​:


  • sexual misconduct

  • mitigating discrimination (gender / caste / class / sexual orientation etc.)

  • inappropriate power hierarchies

  • misappropriation of resources

  • tolerance & respect

  • openness & co-existence – creation & preservation of inclusive spaces

  • creating inclusive policies - encouraging the employment of persons with disabilities




understanding the dynamic of communication and improving the skills for application across all levels of management


  • communication & expression – nature & dynamics

  • communication & language skills – voice & language, dynamic & understanding personal expression vis-à-vis team expression

  • thought, expression & articulation – dynamic & nature

  • organisational ‘culture’ & ‘language’ – development and practice


organizational wellbeing


​ensuring percolation of business ethics & values across all levels & teams​


  • building a culture deck & creating rituals – developing a positive mental health & wellbeing orientation

  • creating opportunities to enhance trust & openness amongst colleagues.

  • speaking the same language without saying the same thing – alignment of energies & behaviors towards a shared (organisational) goal/vision.


we also offer a consistent & continuous experiential engagement & counselling programme for the workforce.  

the well@work intervention follows a three-tiered & multimodal framework for support. the programme is person-centric & offers sustained & consistent modes of engagement.   

the three tiers are through email, a dedicated support line & a dedicated arts & wellbeing radio channel!


do reach out to us for more details & to implement well @ work at your organisation!  

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